Scientific (Safety) Review Committee (SRC)
Scientific Review Committee (SRC)
Secondary Students: Projects MUST receive SRC approval PRIOR to experimentation!
Failure to do so may invalidate your project from awards or further competitions!
All Secondary (Grades 6-12) Science Fair Projects Please use the Fillable Safety Review Form to submit for SRC
This required form should be completed and submitted prior to experimentation.
Submit SRC Form for Pre-approval
SRC Forms, Safety Guidelines, and FAQ's are linked below.
As an ISEF Affiliated fair, all projects must follow and abide by the the Safety Regulations at the International Rules for Pre-college Science Research
Safety Regulations apply to ALL students, though only grades 6-12 must submit SRC paperwork.
Safety Rules
Safety Forms
Scientific Review
- Scientific Review Process: Details on the Scientific Review (SRC) purpose, process, and instructions
Projects that are not allowed for ANY grade level
NO blood products, human tissue, and bodily fluids.
EXCEPTION: Student researchers may ask a medical professional to do the taking of the blood or bodily fluids of other individuals or vertebrate animals and do the analysis to GIVE the data to the student researcher (with pre-approval from the SRC Review Team.)
NO Vertebrate animal parts. (Exception is Zebrafish eggs up to the 7th day (168 hours) after fertilization. After this time Zebrafish eggs are considered to be vertebrate animals too.)
NO Pathogenic agents this includes growth of unknown strains of bacteria, molds, or fungus- Unless using Biological Safety Level {BSL} 2+
NO Recombinant DNA (rDNA).
NO Carcinogenic, mutagenic and potentially toxic chemicals/fumes.
NO Explosive or flammable chemicals/gasses.
NO Radioactive materials.
NO Compressed gas (including, but not limited to CO2)
NO guns, potato cannons, paintball guns, bows/arrows – or other dangerous projectiles.
NO High voltage equipment.
NO Lasers (except class I with eye/skin protection) or use of ionizing radiation X-rays or nuclear energy.
NO introduction of non-native and/or invasive species, pathogens, toxic chemicals or foreign substances into the environment.
NO prescription drugs, alcohol or controlled substances.
NO dry ice or liquid nitrogen or other dangerous liquid gasses.