Scientific (Safety) Review Committee (SRC)

Scientific Review Committee (SRC)

Secondary Students: Projects MUST receive SRC approval PRIOR to experimentation! 

Failure to do so may invalidate your project from awards or further competitions!

All Secondary (Grades 6-12) Science Fair Projects Must have Forms 1, 1A, 1B and a research or project plan.  Some Projects require additional forms. Please see the SRC Forms Flow Chart  or Forms Wizard for additional forms that may be needed.

Form 1 should be completed with either a guardian, teacher or a researcher that will supervise the student during the project, which includes reviewing form 1A and the research plan to ensure that experimentation follow ISEF rules, and that required forms are completed and submitted prior to experimentation.

SRC Forms, Safety Guidelines, and FAQ's are linked below.

Submit SRC Forms for Pre-approval Here

As an ISEF Affiliated fair, all projects must follow and abide by the the Safety Regulations at the International Rules for Pre-college Science Research

 Safety Regulations apply to ALL students, though only grades 6-12 must submit SRC paperwork. 

Safety at-home for Investigations- Blog Post

Safety Forms 101

SRC Forms FAQ's


SRC Required Forms flow chart

Science Fair Paperwork Reference Guide 2023-2024 Final.pdf

Science Fair Paperwork Reference Guide

(from ISEF/JIC)

For Definitions and Explanation of forms, see the Rules and Regulations, beginning on page 5 

ISEF safety forms24.pdf

Fillable Safety Forms from ISEF


SRC Pre-approval Process and Important Reminders

SRC Forms Templates for Project Proposals

Scientific Safety Review Commitee Descripton